It was Saturday evening, just yesterday; it must have been around 8:30 p.m. I was driving home from work, in my delightful Kia Rio, returning home from a work related, all day out door event, out in the country, it was fun! The radio was surprisingly off! I had already entered the city. I came to a familiar stop light, it was red. As I stopped, I looked to my right, towards the Kroger parking exit. (It's somewhat wonderful to realize, now, that all this happened within the space of about 4 minutes or less). As I glanced to my right, stopped at the light, I noticed this group of ducks waddling along. Literally, mother duck with her chicks waddling behind her! I wish I could have taken a picture. (The photo you see here, I downloaded from the net, but the ducks are surprisingly just the same as the one's I saw!). Mother duck and her chicks, literally, were crossing the parking lot exit! As they were about to waddle over the grassy dividing exit island, a car strolled by! I looked and thought, helplessly watching, "they are going to get run over!" But the duckies continued right on their course, unaware of the danger. The car just passed them as they entered the exit lane! They slowly waddled on. No other car in sight. How about that! It was a beautiful sunny, warm, evening. The light turned green and I drove off slightly looking back to catch the ducks from the corner of my right eye. I was glad that life was just right. As I reflect, it was a wonderful moment. Although it could have been a very sad event, to end the day. Yet, gladly, the duckies continued on their way, as did I.
Immediately, I couldn't help but think that even for ducks He cares! The Lord Jesus pointed out one day how valuable the Lord's elect are to Him. (Matthew 10:31). He said that we are of more value than many sparrows- how about ducks too? The birds and the duckies are of value to God. Yet, the people whom he loves in Christ Jesus are of more value! So, if the Lord cared for the duckies I saw Him spare yesterday, how much more will he care for you and me as we waddle on in the Christian life, even when we may not be aware of what lies ahead. Oh, how we should trust in Him! Oh, that my ways were established to love and obey the Lord! (Psalm 119:5). Blessed be the Lord who cares for us. Let us then cast all our care on Him and be wise in all of life, yet anxious for nothing. (I Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:6-8). Praise be the Lord. Amen.