By Manolete-je
Pilate asked the Lord Jesus the question, but it was a synical retort of a question: "What is truth?" But, dear reader, I would ask it honestly, what is truth? And, yes, I have an answer to propose. Please, think this through, because you may already know this, whether you realize it or not.
1. Truth is a quality of propositions.
2. A proposition is a statement- oral or written- concerning any subject or topic or issue or matter.
3. All propositions, in any language, have only two possible qualities or characteristics, that they are either true or false, necessarily and absolutely, there is no middle ground! That's reality, whether we like it or not, feel it nice or not.
4. Truth then is the actual state of affairs of a given subject!
What is the truth of Mormonism? Or more precisely, is the LDS a true Christian church and religion? Once again, and simply put, Mormonism and the LDS are not in reality Christian; much less a christian church. The LDS is a man made religion which appeals to people who would reject historical biblical Christianity. That's what Joseph Smith did!
Jerusalem's Eastern gate is closed today. One day it shall reopen, and the Messiah, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, will walk through it again. As surely as the Lord will come again, just as He promised, so truth is just as sure! Let's remember what the Apostle Paul said and wrote as he was "godbreathed" (theopnuestos) by the Holy Spirit:
"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different (another) gospel, not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed." (From the New Testament: Galatians 1:6-9).
This is the issue friends: Did an angel from heaven indeed come down and reveal another testament or truth to Joseph Smith? In the words of St. Paul, let us suppose that there was an angel named Moroni who did in truth come down from heaven and spoke to Smith, and truly revealed some buried golden tablets to him. What should be our biblical judgement? "LET HIM BE ACCURSED." IF THAT REALLY HAPPENED, THEN IT IS NOT FROM GOD!
Let's say even if Gabriel or Michael came down from heaven and revealed "another" gospel, then they are to be accursed! If they came down and preached another testament of Jesus Christ, then "let [them] be accursed." How much more so if it was an angel named Moroni or a prophet named Joseph Smith! (For the LDS claims to be another testament of Jesus Christ. The LDS claims to be Christian.).
Dear people, how absolute is the biblical judgement?!
But, that's the biblical answer! God, in the Bible, is saying, through St. Paul, that if an apostle, or an apostolic emissary, or a prophet, or even an angel, declared any other message than the one preached by the biblical Jesus and His biblical "Apostles", then let such a person or spirit "be accursed. " Why? Because there is only one true gospel. Only one true-truth for any prosposition. Only one state of affairs for any matter- be it good or ill, feely or not, whether we like it or not. The God of the Bible is the only Sovreign!
Well, what more can we say? In conclusion, that what Mormonism "is" has been known, historically and on record, not to be, in reality and truth, a historical biblical Christian organization or Christian religion. It is a religion! But it is a man made pseudo-Christian religion- a counterfeit! It may, indeed, be a nice man made religion and serve a purpose for it's members. But, it has no spiritual value or reality when it comes to man's relationship with the living God, of the bible, and the necessity of true conversion to Christ, and the salvation of the soul from sin and judgment. But, God is a God of love! Jesus rescues and saves from sin and death!
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