by Manolete-je
I feel enraged! I feel restless! I feel outraged! I feel for truth! Don't we all? How do you feel about truth? Better, yet, what do you think about what's happening in America in so many circles- from child birth to politics! So much is happening. Particularly, at this time, I am moved to comment and respond to the debate that Beck and Sharpton have sparked in recent days. We are in a battle for truth worldwide; for truth in all of life, specifically in America, and for the ideal of true freedom. Freedom, yes, for all, so that the true gospel may have a voice. Yes, a battle! America for centuries has been fighting a spiritual battle! How much more the whole planet. The wonderful thing about truth is that it is "absolute and universal." Just as absolute and sure as was Christ's sacrifice, in our place, as the dear and pure "Lamb of God.
"Here is the simple basic truth: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or LDS) is not truely Christian!
The Rev. Al Sharpton, although he may be a liberal, is correct on this particular issue. The Mormon Church or LDS does not belong to historic biblical Christianity! I think most people in the United States know this! At least I hope so. I would ask Glenn Beck, why play games Mr. Beck? Mormonism is not truly Christian! It never was, and never will be! Mormonism is an unfortunate part of American history, and the American experience. This is not to say that Mormons are evil people, anymore than non-Mormon Americans. They are not. People, however, will be who they are, whether they claim to be religious or not. Mormonism is an human religion. We could call it a christian sect because it has the visage and the phasod of being Christian. But, it is a false Christian sect because the LDS does not hold to historical biblical Christianity. It is an aberant American Pseudo-Christian religion. The LDS does not teach or represent historical biblical Christianity. (Eventually, we would have to delve into what it is that the Mormon religion teaches and believes? What do Americans believe and think?). The LDS is not even a historical biblical Christian Church. It does not even lie within the heritage of the evangelical Protestant Reformation which upheld historical biblical Christianity! Doesn't everyone know this? Mr. Beck, you weren't raised Mormon, why did you convert to that organization? Because it was nice and good and met your need? Because it helped "you" overcome your troubles? All man made religion is of no value if the Christ of the bible is not its focus. Regardless of religion, then, whether it be atheistic, agnostic, or theistic, there are many nice and good people in this world doing nice and good things! But, that does not, necessarily, make them Christian. If truth is the issue, and it is, then truth in all of life, and in all areas of life does matter- especially in politics and religion!
Dear Mr. Glenn Beck, come back to the truth! (Did "AA" teach Mormonism or truth?) You are an intelligent man, do your homework again! Come back to the God of the Bible!
Now, I don't know much about the Rev. Al Sharpton, aside from the fact that he is liberal. Yet, on this point- Mormonism- he is in the right. Mormonism is not Christian. Can we in all good conscience elect a Mormon to the highest office in the land, even if he is a conservative? Or is he indeed a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative? I don't know Mitt Romney, but I'm willing to listen to him, as I do Glenn Beck. However, I don't think I, personally, could vote for a Mormon person because I cannot trust the LDS! I like Glenn Beck, and I like Mitt Romney, but I don't trust Mormonism or the book of Mormon or the LDS! How much of the LDS is in these men? That is in Beck or Romney? I don't know.
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