The Rev. Al Sharpton, Glenn Beck, and TRUTH!
by Manolete-je
Truth is open for all PEOPLE to investigate. Blind faith is of no value! Mindless faith is of no value either! People searching for truth do not need to resort to some mystical, spiritual, gnostic experience- thinking, feeling, or believing, that if they pray and ask God to reveal the truth to them, as to what is true or false, that they will receive some "special revelation" or answer for them alone. NO! That is not the nature of true spirituality. Now, we should pray to the living God of the bible. Pray, indeed, and ask the living God to guide you into all truth, because He will answer! But, how will He answer you? He will give you the answer which He (God) has already given, past tense! He has already given, provided, revealed, written, and shown a veritible historical witness and record of Himself in space and time (orally and in writing). It is a truthful record concerning Himself and salvation, as well as an answer for all of life, as well as for and about the whole universe for all people who have ever existed and exist! God has spoken to all men out loud! (E.g., Proverbs 8; Psalm 19). HE has NOT spoken in some hidden or secret corner or temple to an elite 12 "apostles" in some secret tower! NO. That's not how God works. (There's no time now to discuss the issue and nature of revelation in this post. But, God has spoken. Please read Hebrews 1:1-4; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Luke 1:1-4; 2 Timothy 4:1-5).
Dear friends, we all need to do our homework, now, with integrity, and truth, and find out for ourselves about the truth claims of the Lord Jesus Christ. (I hope and pray you all will). One meaning of the word “faith” is to believe in the truth of who Jesus is, what he did and said, and why. Once again, it is not a mindless, mystical, gnostic, transcendent, ethereal, cloudy, puffy, wishful, feely Christianity of emotions and feelings generated by a wave of mindless enthusiasm- that is not faith! That's ignorant stupidity! Rather, a person, an honest truth seeker should believe on the basis of the truth of who God is and what He is like, knowing that He alone is true and trustworthy. A person should also believe because of the historical witness and record God has given (over the ages and over space and time)- for the which there is sufficient and adequate historical and literary evidence and proof. When it comes to truth we must think and know! Once we know the truth and why it is true, then we will rejoice in the Lord with "joy inexpressible and full of glory" trusting, even blindly if one chooses (though that is not necessary), in Him who is true! As it is written: "And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (From the New Testament, I John 5:20).
Well, friends, what do you think? There's much more to say about the matter of truth, but I shall defer to a later time. I've written enough for now! The God of the bible be with you all, and thanks for taking the time to visit and read my posts. Amen.
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