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Sunday, October 14, 2007
by Manolete-je
The big test it was!
It had to be,
Without twelve legions of angels
That He could have called.
Led by the Spirit
Into the desert furnace of holy men,
Moses and prophets;
Tried and polished and proved.
The Tempter was allowed to come,
To prepare and test the
Perfect One,
The Holy One of God;
Tempted and tested in every possible way
Son ship to deny;
Yet in human flesh true,
And without sin!
By grace alone
Victorious in battle,
Intense and consuming;
In silent darkness and
The shadow of death,
For 40 days and 40 mortal nights
Faithful was he,
And, "It is written" was His
Near dying breath!
The Dragon bruised Thy holy heel!
But thou didst bruise
The surrendered Serpent’s head!
Amazed angels drew
Near to worship
And tend thy royal feet.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Don't Give Up Trying
by Manolete-je
“Where's there is love and inspiration, you can't go wrong. So don't give up trying to do what you really want to do.”
That's what the lady said in the song. Ella got it right, and Lou Gehrig did it!
What do I really want to do?
To serve my Lord Jesus, and see me active in or establishing a Spanish "L'Abri."
To serve my family, and find me doing His good will.
To serve my brethren in the Lord, and love them as He loves me.
To serve my neighbor, and love them as myself.
These things I really want to do.
To serve my family, and find me doing His good will.
To serve my brethren in the Lord, and love them as He loves me.
To serve my neighbor, and love them as myself.
These things I really want to do.
What else? ¡Torear un toro!
This too I really want to do.
This too I really want to do.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Even For Ducks He Cares
It was Saturday evening, just yesterday; it must have been around 8:30 p.m. I was driving home from work, in my delightful Kia Rio, returning home from a work related, all day out door event, out in the country, it was fun! The radio was surprisingly off! I had already entered the city. I came to a familiar stop light, it was red. As I stopped, I looked to my right, towards the Kroger parking exit. (It's somewhat wonderful to realize, now, that all this happened within the space of about 4 minutes or less). As I glanced to my right, stopped at the light, I noticed this group of ducks waddling along. Literally, mother duck with her chicks waddling behind her! I wish I could have taken a picture. (The photo you see here, I downloaded from the net, but the ducks are surprisingly just the same as the one's I saw!). Mother duck and her chicks, literally, were crossing the parking lot exit! As they were about to waddle over the grassy dividing exit island, a car strolled by! I looked and thought, helplessly watching, "they are going to get run over!" But the duckies continued right on their course, unaware of the danger. The car just passed them as they entered the exit lane! They slowly waddled on. No other car in sight. How about that! It was a beautiful sunny, warm, evening. The light turned green and I drove off slightly looking back to catch the ducks from the corner of my right eye. I was glad that life was just right. As I reflect, it was a wonderful moment. Although it could have been a very sad event, to end the day. Yet, gladly, the duckies continued on their way, as did I.
Immediately, I couldn't help but think that even for ducks He cares! The Lord Jesus pointed out one day how valuable the Lord's elect are to Him. (Matthew 10:31). He said that we are of more value than many sparrows- how about ducks too? The birds and the duckies are of value to God. Yet, the people whom he loves in Christ Jesus are of more value! So, if the Lord cared for the duckies I saw Him spare yesterday, how much more will he care for you and me as we waddle on in the Christian life, even when we may not be aware of what lies ahead. Oh, how we should trust in Him! Oh, that my ways were established to love and obey the Lord! (Psalm 119:5). Blessed be the Lord who cares for us. Let us then cast all our care on Him and be wise in all of life, yet anxious for nothing. (I Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:6-8). Praise be the Lord. Amen.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Thoughts On Faith
Faith is a simple and common theme in all of Scripture. The biblical concept of “faith” is a simple concept, yet commonly misunderstood. In order to think about “faith,” it is essential, if not critical, to properly understand what we mean by the word and its concept, biblically.
(As I write, I assume a Christian worldview based solely on the Bible. I affirm the Bible is the only truly inspired or God-breathed Word of God. I affirm that only the 66 books of the Bible, contained in the Old and New Testaments are the inspired and infallible Word of God- in all its parts, as well as the whole. In the Bible, alone, God speaks authoritatively to all peoples everywhere for all time. “What the Bible says, God says, and what God says the Bible says.” This latter quote is attributed to my college professor, but it was not original to him).
If our concept is not biblical, then the term, the word, or the concept will always be misused, and misunderstood- as is most common today. Faith today is used to mean many things or represent many ideas, and that, of course, may be well and good for humanity. But the word, Scripturally speaking, has a simple, particular, meaning, not necessarily related to popular concepts or ideas. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 1987, page 446, gives the following definitions:
Faith \ [the etymology indicates the word comes from Middle English, old French, and Latin. The Latin words are fides and fidere, meaning to TRUST – more at BIDE]. 1 a: allegiance to duty or a person: Loyalty. b. 1) fidelity to one’s promises. 2) sincerity of intentions. 2 a: 1) belief and trust in and loyalty to God. 2) belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion. b: 1) firm belief in something for which there is no proof. 2) complete trust. 3 something that is believed, especially with strong conviction: esp., a system of religious beliefs. Syn. See belief – in faith: without doubt or question: verily. Believe, trust.
The above dictionary definitions are, of course, valid and helpful in understanding the word, and its use. Biblically, however, the word is used in regard to two important matters: It is used as related to salvation and how it is acquired, or it is used to characterize how the Christian life is to be lived. The word simply means: Trust, confidence, belief, and obedience. Specifically, in regard to living the Chrisitan life, once regeneration has taken place in the believer, the biblical concept is one of absolute confidence and trust in God, which automatically results in humble loving obedience. It is important to understand that the emphasis, biblically, is not on the individual person, (who may exercise or not, faith, or who may or may not have faith) but on the object of one’s faith. (How faith is born, generated, or obtained, is another issue or discussion which I’ll refer to at some other time, especially in regard to regeneration). The Bible considers the object of the faith as more important than faith itself- both for salvation and santification! It is the object of the faith that proves the faith to be valid or invalid- sufficient and adequate or inadequate. For this reason, and contrary to popular belief, it does not matter how much faith a person has. The issue, biblically, is not how much faith you have, but where do you deposit that faith? That is, in the truth, and in God, or not? The only valid object of faith then, scripturally speaking, is God himself! The Lord Jesus Christ said that if you have faith “as small as mustard seed” it is valid! (Luke 17:6, NIV). (The “mustard seed” is regarded as the smallest of all seeds found in Palestine). I can conclude, and think we all can, that one must have at least that much faith! Otherwise, perhaps, there is no true biblical faith in the person! We should or can ask a question, “Who or what do you believe in?” This is the all important issue! Do you believe in the one true and only living God? (That is, in the God of the Bible). Do you believe in truth and in the universe as God created it? (Although it is now stained by sin?). Someone has said, “A person’s faith is only as good as the object of his faith.” (Anonymous quote. A common quote in some Christian circles). Considering this to be the case then, we should then ask, “Who is God?” Because knowing who God is is the birth of faith! Otherwise, no valid biblical “living” faith exists in a person- regardless of what he or she may claim. All they would have is a sub-faith or human faith in themselves or something else, but of no value before God for regeneration or santification.
(As I write, I assume a Christian worldview based solely on the Bible. I affirm the Bible is the only truly inspired or God-breathed Word of God. I affirm that only the 66 books of the Bible, contained in the Old and New Testaments are the inspired and infallible Word of God- in all its parts, as well as the whole. In the Bible, alone, God speaks authoritatively to all peoples everywhere for all time. “What the Bible says, God says, and what God says the Bible says.” This latter quote is attributed to my college professor, but it was not original to him).
If our concept is not biblical, then the term, the word, or the concept will always be misused, and misunderstood- as is most common today. Faith today is used to mean many things or represent many ideas, and that, of course, may be well and good for humanity. But the word, Scripturally speaking, has a simple, particular, meaning, not necessarily related to popular concepts or ideas. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 1987, page 446, gives the following definitions:
Faith \ [the etymology indicates the word comes from Middle English, old French, and Latin. The Latin words are fides and fidere, meaning to TRUST – more at BIDE]. 1 a: allegiance to duty or a person: Loyalty. b. 1) fidelity to one’s promises. 2) sincerity of intentions. 2 a: 1) belief and trust in and loyalty to God. 2) belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion. b: 1) firm belief in something for which there is no proof. 2) complete trust. 3 something that is believed, especially with strong conviction: esp., a system of religious beliefs. Syn. See belief – in faith: without doubt or question: verily. Believe, trust.
The above dictionary definitions are, of course, valid and helpful in understanding the word, and its use. Biblically, however, the word is used in regard to two important matters: It is used as related to salvation and how it is acquired, or it is used to characterize how the Christian life is to be lived. The word simply means: Trust, confidence, belief, and obedience. Specifically, in regard to living the Chrisitan life, once regeneration has taken place in the believer, the biblical concept is one of absolute confidence and trust in God, which automatically results in humble loving obedience. It is important to understand that the emphasis, biblically, is not on the individual person, (who may exercise or not, faith, or who may or may not have faith) but on the object of one’s faith. (How faith is born, generated, or obtained, is another issue or discussion which I’ll refer to at some other time, especially in regard to regeneration). The Bible considers the object of the faith as more important than faith itself- both for salvation and santification! It is the object of the faith that proves the faith to be valid or invalid- sufficient and adequate or inadequate. For this reason, and contrary to popular belief, it does not matter how much faith a person has. The issue, biblically, is not how much faith you have, but where do you deposit that faith? That is, in the truth, and in God, or not? The only valid object of faith then, scripturally speaking, is God himself! The Lord Jesus Christ said that if you have faith “as small as mustard seed” it is valid! (Luke 17:6, NIV). (The “mustard seed” is regarded as the smallest of all seeds found in Palestine). I can conclude, and think we all can, that one must have at least that much faith! Otherwise, perhaps, there is no true biblical faith in the person! We should or can ask a question, “Who or what do you believe in?” This is the all important issue! Do you believe in the one true and only living God? (That is, in the God of the Bible). Do you believe in truth and in the universe as God created it? (Although it is now stained by sin?). Someone has said, “A person’s faith is only as good as the object of his faith.” (Anonymous quote. A common quote in some Christian circles). Considering this to be the case then, we should then ask, “Who is God?” Because knowing who God is is the birth of faith! Otherwise, no valid biblical “living” faith exists in a person- regardless of what he or she may claim. All they would have is a sub-faith or human faith in themselves or something else, but of no value before God for regeneration or santification.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thoughts on Truth, Part 3
The Rev. Al Sharpton, Glenn Beck, and TRUTH!
by Manolete-je
Truth is open for all PEOPLE to investigate. Blind faith is of no value! Mindless faith is of no value either! People searching for truth do not need to resort to some mystical, spiritual, gnostic experience- thinking, feeling, or believing, that if they pray and ask God to reveal the truth to them, as to what is true or false, that they will receive some "special revelation" or answer for them alone. NO! That is not the nature of true spirituality. Now, we should pray to the living God of the bible. Pray, indeed, and ask the living God to guide you into all truth, because He will answer! But, how will He answer you? He will give you the answer which He (God) has already given, past tense! He has already given, provided, revealed, written, and shown a veritible historical witness and record of Himself in space and time (orally and in writing). It is a truthful record concerning Himself and salvation, as well as an answer for all of life, as well as for and about the whole universe for all people who have ever existed and exist! God has spoken to all men out loud! (E.g., Proverbs 8; Psalm 19). HE has NOT spoken in some hidden or secret corner or temple to an elite 12 "apostles" in some secret tower! NO. That's not how God works. (There's no time now to discuss the issue and nature of revelation in this post. But, God has spoken. Please read Hebrews 1:1-4; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Luke 1:1-4; 2 Timothy 4:1-5).
Dear friends, we all need to do our homework, now, with integrity, and truth, and find out for ourselves about the truth claims of the Lord Jesus Christ. (I hope and pray you all will). One meaning of the word “faith” is to believe in the truth of who Jesus is, what he did and said, and why. Once again, it is not a mindless, mystical, gnostic, transcendent, ethereal, cloudy, puffy, wishful, feely Christianity of emotions and feelings generated by a wave of mindless enthusiasm- that is not faith! That's ignorant stupidity! Rather, a person, an honest truth seeker should believe on the basis of the truth of who God is and what He is like, knowing that He alone is true and trustworthy. A person should also believe because of the historical witness and record God has given (over the ages and over space and time)- for the which there is sufficient and adequate historical and literary evidence and proof. When it comes to truth we must think and know! Once we know the truth and why it is true, then we will rejoice in the Lord with "joy inexpressible and full of glory" trusting, even blindly if one chooses (though that is not necessary), in Him who is true! As it is written: "And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (From the New Testament, I John 5:20).
Well, friends, what do you think? There's much more to say about the matter of truth, but I shall defer to a later time. I've written enough for now! The God of the bible be with you all, and thanks for taking the time to visit and read my posts. Amen.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thoughts on Truth, Part 2
The Rev. Al Sharpton, Glenn Beck and Truth
By Manolete-je
Pilate asked the Lord Jesus the question, but it was a synical retort of a question: "What is truth?" But, dear reader, I would ask it honestly, what is truth? And, yes, I have an answer to propose. Please, think this through, because you may already know this, whether you realize it or not.
1. Truth is a quality of propositions.
2. A proposition is a statement- oral or written- concerning any subject or topic or issue or matter.
3. All propositions, in any language, have only two possible qualities or characteristics, that they are either true or false, necessarily and absolutely, there is no middle ground! That's reality, whether we like it or not, feel it nice or not.
4. Truth then is the actual state of affairs of a given subject!
What is the truth of Mormonism? Or more precisely, is the LDS a true Christian church and religion? Once again, and simply put, Mormonism and the LDS are not in reality Christian; much less a christian church. The LDS is a man made religion which appeals to people who would reject historical biblical Christianity. That's what Joseph Smith did!
Jerusalem's Eastern gate is closed today. One day it shall reopen, and the Messiah, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, will walk through it again. As surely as the Lord will come again, just as He promised, so truth is just as sure! Let's remember what the Apostle Paul said and wrote as he was "godbreathed" (theopnuestos) by the Holy Spirit:
"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different (another) gospel, not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed." (From the New Testament: Galatians 1:6-9).
This is the issue friends: Did an angel from heaven indeed come down and reveal another testament or truth to Joseph Smith? In the words of St. Paul, let us suppose that there was an angel named Moroni who did in truth come down from heaven and spoke to Smith, and truly revealed some buried golden tablets to him. What should be our biblical judgement? "LET HIM BE ACCURSED." IF THAT REALLY HAPPENED, THEN IT IS NOT FROM GOD!
Let's say even if Gabriel or Michael came down from heaven and revealed "another" gospel, then they are to be accursed! If they came down and preached another testament of Jesus Christ, then "let [them] be accursed." How much more so if it was an angel named Moroni or a prophet named Joseph Smith! (For the LDS claims to be another testament of Jesus Christ. The LDS claims to be Christian.).
Dear people, how absolute is the biblical judgement?!
But, that's the biblical answer! God, in the Bible, is saying, through St. Paul, that if an apostle, or an apostolic emissary, or a prophet, or even an angel, declared any other message than the one preached by the biblical Jesus and His biblical "Apostles", then let such a person or spirit "be accursed. " Why? Because there is only one true gospel. Only one true-truth for any prosposition. Only one state of affairs for any matter- be it good or ill, feely or not, whether we like it or not. The God of the Bible is the only Sovreign!
Well, what more can we say? In conclusion, that what Mormonism "is" has been known, historically and on record, not to be, in reality and truth, a historical biblical Christian organization or Christian religion. It is a religion! But it is a man made pseudo-Christian religion- a counterfeit! It may, indeed, be a nice man made religion and serve a purpose for it's members. But, it has no spiritual value or reality when it comes to man's relationship with the living God, of the bible, and the necessity of true conversion to Christ, and the salvation of the soul from sin and judgment. But, God is a God of love! Jesus rescues and saves from sin and death!
By Manolete-je
Pilate asked the Lord Jesus the question, but it was a synical retort of a question: "What is truth?" But, dear reader, I would ask it honestly, what is truth? And, yes, I have an answer to propose. Please, think this through, because you may already know this, whether you realize it or not.
1. Truth is a quality of propositions.
2. A proposition is a statement- oral or written- concerning any subject or topic or issue or matter.
3. All propositions, in any language, have only two possible qualities or characteristics, that they are either true or false, necessarily and absolutely, there is no middle ground! That's reality, whether we like it or not, feel it nice or not.
4. Truth then is the actual state of affairs of a given subject!
What is the truth of Mormonism? Or more precisely, is the LDS a true Christian church and religion? Once again, and simply put, Mormonism and the LDS are not in reality Christian; much less a christian church. The LDS is a man made religion which appeals to people who would reject historical biblical Christianity. That's what Joseph Smith did!
Jerusalem's Eastern gate is closed today. One day it shall reopen, and the Messiah, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, will walk through it again. As surely as the Lord will come again, just as He promised, so truth is just as sure! Let's remember what the Apostle Paul said and wrote as he was "godbreathed" (theopnuestos) by the Holy Spirit:
"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different (another) gospel, not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed." (From the New Testament: Galatians 1:6-9).
This is the issue friends: Did an angel from heaven indeed come down and reveal another testament or truth to Joseph Smith? In the words of St. Paul, let us suppose that there was an angel named Moroni who did in truth come down from heaven and spoke to Smith, and truly revealed some buried golden tablets to him. What should be our biblical judgement? "LET HIM BE ACCURSED." IF THAT REALLY HAPPENED, THEN IT IS NOT FROM GOD!
Let's say even if Gabriel or Michael came down from heaven and revealed "another" gospel, then they are to be accursed! If they came down and preached another testament of Jesus Christ, then "let [them] be accursed." How much more so if it was an angel named Moroni or a prophet named Joseph Smith! (For the LDS claims to be another testament of Jesus Christ. The LDS claims to be Christian.).
Dear people, how absolute is the biblical judgement?!
But, that's the biblical answer! God, in the Bible, is saying, through St. Paul, that if an apostle, or an apostolic emissary, or a prophet, or even an angel, declared any other message than the one preached by the biblical Jesus and His biblical "Apostles", then let such a person or spirit "be accursed. " Why? Because there is only one true gospel. Only one true-truth for any prosposition. Only one state of affairs for any matter- be it good or ill, feely or not, whether we like it or not. The God of the Bible is the only Sovreign!
Well, what more can we say? In conclusion, that what Mormonism "is" has been known, historically and on record, not to be, in reality and truth, a historical biblical Christian organization or Christian religion. It is a religion! But it is a man made pseudo-Christian religion- a counterfeit! It may, indeed, be a nice man made religion and serve a purpose for it's members. But, it has no spiritual value or reality when it comes to man's relationship with the living God, of the bible, and the necessity of true conversion to Christ, and the salvation of the soul from sin and judgment. But, God is a God of love! Jesus rescues and saves from sin and death!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Thoughts on Truth, Part I
by Manolete-je
I feel enraged! I feel restless! I feel outraged! I feel for truth! Don't we all? How do you feel about truth? Better, yet, what do you think about what's happening in America in so many circles- from child birth to politics! So much is happening. Particularly, at this time, I am moved to comment and respond to the debate that Beck and Sharpton have sparked in recent days. We are in a battle for truth worldwide; for truth in all of life, specifically in America, and for the ideal of true freedom. Freedom, yes, for all, so that the true gospel may have a voice. Yes, a battle! America for centuries has been fighting a spiritual battle! How much more the whole planet. The wonderful thing about truth is that it is "absolute and universal." Just as absolute and sure as was Christ's sacrifice, in our place, as the dear and pure "Lamb of God.
"Here is the simple basic truth: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or LDS) is not truely Christian!
The Rev. Al Sharpton, although he may be a liberal, is correct on this particular issue. The Mormon Church or LDS does not belong to historic biblical Christianity! I think most people in the United States know this! At least I hope so. I would ask Glenn Beck, why play games Mr. Beck? Mormonism is not truly Christian! It never was, and never will be! Mormonism is an unfortunate part of American history, and the American experience. This is not to say that Mormons are evil people, anymore than non-Mormon Americans. They are not. People, however, will be who they are, whether they claim to be religious or not. Mormonism is an human religion. We could call it a christian sect because it has the visage and the phasod of being Christian. But, it is a false Christian sect because the LDS does not hold to historical biblical Christianity. It is an aberant American Pseudo-Christian religion. The LDS does not teach or represent historical biblical Christianity. (Eventually, we would have to delve into what it is that the Mormon religion teaches and believes? What do Americans believe and think?). The LDS is not even a historical biblical Christian Church. It does not even lie within the heritage of the evangelical Protestant Reformation which upheld historical biblical Christianity! Doesn't everyone know this? Mr. Beck, you weren't raised Mormon, why did you convert to that organization? Because it was nice and good and met your need? Because it helped "you" overcome your troubles? All man made religion is of no value if the Christ of the bible is not its focus. Regardless of religion, then, whether it be atheistic, agnostic, or theistic, there are many nice and good people in this world doing nice and good things! But, that does not, necessarily, make them Christian. If truth is the issue, and it is, then truth in all of life, and in all areas of life does matter- especially in politics and religion!
Dear Mr. Glenn Beck, come back to the truth! (Did "AA" teach Mormonism or truth?) You are an intelligent man, do your homework again! Come back to the God of the Bible!
Now, I don't know much about the Rev. Al Sharpton, aside from the fact that he is liberal. Yet, on this point- Mormonism- he is in the right. Mormonism is not Christian. Can we in all good conscience elect a Mormon to the highest office in the land, even if he is a conservative? Or is he indeed a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative? I don't know Mitt Romney, but I'm willing to listen to him, as I do Glenn Beck. However, I don't think I, personally, could vote for a Mormon person because I cannot trust the LDS! I like Glenn Beck, and I like Mitt Romney, but I don't trust Mormonism or the book of Mormon or the LDS! How much of the LDS is in these men? That is in Beck or Romney? I don't know.
by Manolete-je
I feel enraged! I feel restless! I feel outraged! I feel for truth! Don't we all? How do you feel about truth? Better, yet, what do you think about what's happening in America in so many circles- from child birth to politics! So much is happening. Particularly, at this time, I am moved to comment and respond to the debate that Beck and Sharpton have sparked in recent days. We are in a battle for truth worldwide; for truth in all of life, specifically in America, and for the ideal of true freedom. Freedom, yes, for all, so that the true gospel may have a voice. Yes, a battle! America for centuries has been fighting a spiritual battle! How much more the whole planet. The wonderful thing about truth is that it is "absolute and universal." Just as absolute and sure as was Christ's sacrifice, in our place, as the dear and pure "Lamb of God.
"Here is the simple basic truth: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or LDS) is not truely Christian!
The Rev. Al Sharpton, although he may be a liberal, is correct on this particular issue. The Mormon Church or LDS does not belong to historic biblical Christianity! I think most people in the United States know this! At least I hope so. I would ask Glenn Beck, why play games Mr. Beck? Mormonism is not truly Christian! It never was, and never will be! Mormonism is an unfortunate part of American history, and the American experience. This is not to say that Mormons are evil people, anymore than non-Mormon Americans. They are not. People, however, will be who they are, whether they claim to be religious or not. Mormonism is an human religion. We could call it a christian sect because it has the visage and the phasod of being Christian. But, it is a false Christian sect because the LDS does not hold to historical biblical Christianity. It is an aberant American Pseudo-Christian religion. The LDS does not teach or represent historical biblical Christianity. (Eventually, we would have to delve into what it is that the Mormon religion teaches and believes? What do Americans believe and think?). The LDS is not even a historical biblical Christian Church. It does not even lie within the heritage of the evangelical Protestant Reformation which upheld historical biblical Christianity! Doesn't everyone know this? Mr. Beck, you weren't raised Mormon, why did you convert to that organization? Because it was nice and good and met your need? Because it helped "you" overcome your troubles? All man made religion is of no value if the Christ of the bible is not its focus. Regardless of religion, then, whether it be atheistic, agnostic, or theistic, there are many nice and good people in this world doing nice and good things! But, that does not, necessarily, make them Christian. If truth is the issue, and it is, then truth in all of life, and in all areas of life does matter- especially in politics and religion!
Dear Mr. Glenn Beck, come back to the truth! (Did "AA" teach Mormonism or truth?) You are an intelligent man, do your homework again! Come back to the God of the Bible!
Now, I don't know much about the Rev. Al Sharpton, aside from the fact that he is liberal. Yet, on this point- Mormonism- he is in the right. Mormonism is not Christian. Can we in all good conscience elect a Mormon to the highest office in the land, even if he is a conservative? Or is he indeed a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative? I don't know Mitt Romney, but I'm willing to listen to him, as I do Glenn Beck. However, I don't think I, personally, could vote for a Mormon person because I cannot trust the LDS! I like Glenn Beck, and I like Mitt Romney, but I don't trust Mormonism or the book of Mormon or the LDS! How much of the LDS is in these men? That is in Beck or Romney? I don't know.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
The Pastor's Ring
The Pastor's Ring - by Manolete-je
As a pensive Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez (Manolete) looked on into the bullring, so I now continue my excursion into the blogosphere ring. If you happen to visit my blog, please feel free to respond to my posts. For I would write of "wisdom and every good path," hoping my posts may be of interest and service to you in your walk of life.
I wrote some posts in English at http://elredondel-pastoral.blogspot.com where I will now write exclusively in Spanish.
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As a pensive Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez (Manolete) looked on into the bullring, so I now continue my excursion into the blogosphere ring. If you happen to visit my blog, please feel free to respond to my posts. For I would write of "wisdom and every good path," hoping my posts may be of interest and service to you in your walk of life.
I wrote some posts in English at http://elredondel-pastoral.blogspot.com where I will now write exclusively in Spanish.
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